F Á B R I C A  D E   A R T E  C U B A N O     

Travelers Engage with the People of Cuba

Fábrica de Arte Cubano (FAC) is an old oil factory transformed into a large space that supports and promotes the work of artists from all branches: film, music, dance, theater, photography, fashion, graphic design and architecture. It has gained attention as one of Havana's premier venues because here you have delicious food, music and dance of many genres as well as diverse art installations where locals and travelers come together to eat, dance, exchange ideas and cultures.

Fabrica de Arte Cubano Fabrica de Artes DJ with Background image

Fabrica de Artes Cubano Outdoor Movies Fabrica de Arte Cubano Art Egg Men painting

Fabrica de Artes Cubano Vocal Group Fabrica de Arte Cubano Jazz Band

Fabrica de Artes Cubano Mojitos Fabrica de Artes Cubano Outside2